Robin Frosh – Artist Statement

I began painting as an adult. While taking ceramics classes, I decided to learn to paint bamboo on some of my pots. After a one-time Asian Art class in an Adult Education program, I knew where my heart wanted to focus. My problem was that it took years before I could study Sumi-e painting regularly. I have found that even when I use traditional watercolor or pastel techniques, I quickly returned to the East Asian style.

My most influential teachers have been Betzi Robinson and Kay Stratman. Betzi helped me have the courage to persevere and taught me composition along with how to strengthen my brush strokes. Kay introduced me to Shikishi Boards. I love the Po Mo technique on these boards because I can combine freedom to explore my love of color and use my brush strokes for details.

I enjoy taking workshops with many excellent artists, including Lian Zhen, Tesshin Sasaki, Ning Yeh, Joan Lok, and Jade Lam.