Our Chapter meets five times a year, usually on Thursday or Saturday of September, November, January, March, and May. The membership meetings include a variety of programs for continuing education such as demonstrations of various techniques by leading Sumi-e artists or chapter members; tours and presentations by guest lecturers.

Due to the current social distancing guidelines, our Chapter Meetings have been online with follow-on virtual tour or demonstration presentations at the same schedule.

Otherwise our September, November, and May meetings are usually held at the Chesterbrook Taiwanese Presbyterian Church in Falls Church, VA.  The January and March meetings are usually held at the Potomac Community Center in Potomac, MD.

January meetings are dedicated to providing a review of the most recent Annual National Sumi-e Exhibition sponsored by the Sumi-e Society of America complete with a slide show of all the art accepted into the National Show.

In addition to these regular chapter meetings, there are special gatherings to include organized tours of local museums, occasional garden tours that may include brush painting options and special luncheons and holiday celebrations.

Members are encouraged to make suggestions for programs by chapter members or by East Asian artists in the area, including those from other local chapters.  Please contact Chapter President Anne Klein (aklein723@comcast.net) or Program Chair Carol Waite (cbwaite55@gmail.com) with program suggestions.

For On-Site Meeting Locations:
Meeting Place – Falls Church:
Chesterbrook Taiwanese Presbyterian Church
2036 Westmoreland Street, Falls Church, VA 22043
Meeting Place – Potomac:
Potomac Community Center
11315 Falls Road, Potomac, MD 20854